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It's time for another Dresser redo! This would be a third for me. However, I'm not sure I like this one. It is very solid heavy wood and has been stored for several years in someone's storage unit. Inside the drawers are very raw wood. I am in the process of lining them with paper, but I'm not sure that will be a good solution.
The drawer pulls were $.97 each at Home Depot. I bought some plastic beadboard for the back and painted it as well because a little bit of it can be seen from the counter of the kitchen

I used the same Behr paint in Beluga that I used on the dining table

What do you think? Should I keep checking garage sales for something with more character? I'd love to have some advice.
Thanks for looking.
I like it! What if you painted something on the drawers? Either a design or numbers ~ how cute would the drawers look numbered.
I think that it is now a fantastic piece of furniture...a work of art. Excellent!
Very nice...I would love to have a cabinet to store all my linens. Good job!
I think it looks nice...but I have an idea....what if you put more knobs on each of the drawers. Then it would kinda look like an apothacary cabinet. Maybe you don't like the many knobs on top and none on the rest. Just a thought!
Well, I for one love it. I think it has plenty of character, especially once you get the top decorated the way you want. Love the drawer pulls too...great bargain!!
Jeannine, I think you did a super job on it! It looks SO nice. How on earth do you get the paint so smooth? It really turned out well.
Sheila :-)
I really like your dresser redo! Love the deep color your used for the paint. The lines are simple, yet stylish... Dee Dee
Great re-do...I ♥ it!
I love the look of it. You did such a beautiful job on finishing it. I would keep it, however only you know what you really want. It really is a pretty piece. Hugs, Marty
you have such a great knac for making those items look so beautiful and so new and useable, wow thats so great....
I think it's great! Only you can say for sure if it fits in your decor.
Hmm, well it certainly has enough character for me! I think it is perfect. I like the nice clean lines and great choice on the knobs too.
Jane T.
It looks FAB. I agree with the suggestion about the stenciled on numbers on the drawers. THAT would look great. Jackie
I really love the simplicity of it. If you want ideas to do something there are different routes you can go--like numbers or letters, or you could do a harlequin down the middle of the drawers and on the middle top of the dresser, or paint on some fleur-de-lis.... so many options depending on your style.
I will click to follow. come by and see some of the projects I did and posted as well
It turned out great. I really like the simplicity of it all.
I love the way it turned out. Very nice. Looks great as is, but if you wanted something more, try decoupage.
Hi Jeannine, I think it turned out very nice...Love the color...
Love it. It looks fantastic and I love the knobs you picked! :)
I think it looks terrific! My personal preference would be a piece that has legs. I've seen people add legs, I've added legs to a night stand and it turned out pretty good. My night stand got long legs, but maybe your piece just needs "feet" :)
my 2 cents!
I think every room should have something black in it. I think the black highlights the other colors and it sort of grounds a room if you know what I mean. I would just put a colorful woven mat or dresser scarf on the top and call it DONE!
I have a small dresser similar in size just off my kitchen and I use it to hold all my odd shaped gadgets like the potato ricer and my cookies cutters. I must have at least 200 cookie cutters.
I love the number idea on the drawers, we Aussies call them chests of drawers, I think they look great.
That is a wonderful piece of furniture and I love what you did with it!
I love your painted drawers and your blog! (have just found it and am following). Maybe you could add the little metal things that you attach to the front,(don't know what they're called and it's 11pm...too late to think) and slip paper in to label each drawer (label holder maybe?!?!).
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