Friday, September 25, 2009

Tassel Love

I have loved the Tassels people have been sharing. They class up a lovely armoire or door handle.

This first curtain tieback is not a tassel of course, but I had run out of tiebacks for my curtains so I used a pair of carved camel bone necklaces from Egypt.

When I first saw tassels in the market or "suq" in Damascus, I thought they were very gaudy. I chose six matching ones that were the least froofy.

The curtains are also from Damascus, part silk. They were custom made for some gigantic, massive windows we had in our flat in Beirut. I reworked them for our tiny windows in Northern California. They are right up to the ceiling in most places and puddle nicely on the floor.


1 comment:

  1. I love your curtain tiebacks - the tassel is beautiful - thanks for your kind comments on my blog
