Monday, June 7, 2010

Strawberry Shortcake

I know that every state thinks their strawberries are the best. I would never argue that fact. However, we have found a strawberry farm stand just down the road from our neighborhood. They have the freshest big berries and never put those tiny hard ones in the baskets. We have been buying strawberries from them for about 15 years.

I found a pound cake recipe here.

Strawberries have never been my favorite. (I'll tell you why: when I was 14 my first job was picking strawberries. I bit into one strawberry and it had a bug in it. EEwwwwww!!! I won't eat one that hasn't been washed and cut. Just not my flavor.) But these were too good to resist. And with a little vanilla bean ice cream, yum!
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Jeannine,

    I am part of a tea group who meet on our blogs on Tuesday. So, tomorrow (June 8), I want to feature your blog as my blog of the day. I really love those tea cups and think it will be fun for the other tea gals to see them (and your blog of course), too.

    Also, your quilts are to die for, so I think a lot of people will enjoy and admire them as much as I.

  2. The strawberry shortcake looks wonderful. We're still eating the "cakes", LOL!!!

  3. Gorgeous AND delicious, I'm sure!


