Sunday, July 25, 2010

Milk Glass Luncheon Plates?

Husband and I love to go to estate sales near us. It's the thrill of the hunt, standing in line, meeting people.
This week we found a set of dishes that the seller called "milk glass". I'm not sure if these are true milk glass or not.

After looking at my pictures, can anyone tell me anything about these? They have the classic grape leaf and grapes design. There are absolutely no marks on any piece. There are other pieces but I'd love to know what I've got! Thanks for any advice you can give.


  1. Yes, I can! These are Indiana Milk Glass and each plate/cup set is worth about $12- $15 a 2 piece set. Indiana is the only one with NO markings. I have quite a few of these myself and like Indiana the best. YES, it IS real milk glass and very fine stuff!

  2. Your milk glass is beautiful!! It doesn't matter if its real or not as long as you like it!

  3. You should be a food stylist/interior design writer for a major magazine, Girlfriend!
    I love the beautiful photos!

  4. I found this exact same set! I bought 8 place settings (plate & cup) at a local furniture consignment center. These are some of my favorite pieces in my milk glass collection, I'm so excited to see your posting! I love my milk glass collection; thank you for posting!

  5. My mother collected this pattern of milk glass for years. She passed away several years ago, and now we need to sell it. She had hundreds of pieces - complete sets of luncheon plates, dinner plates, drinking glasses, a punch bowl, all kinds of table accessories, etc. Could someone suggest the best way to sell this? Thanks for any suggestions.
