Saturday, August 20, 2011

Super Fun Painted Dresser

Cassie at Primitive & Proper painted a fabulous dresser back in July. It was fabulous with its four colored drawers.  Check the link here for the full story.

About a week after that Husband and I were out at Estate sales and ran across the big sister of Cassie's dresser.  It has five drawers.  I immediately thought of her paint treatment.  We paid $20 for the dresser.  That baby is heavy, but we managed to get it in the Jeep.
Husband did the paint job using shades of green. (We got so excited to start we forgot before pics.  It was actually in great shape, just not modern.)

What do you think?  Thanks Cassie for inspiration.
It's listed on Craigslist if anyone in the Central Valley is interested.


  1. it looks sooooo awesome and fun! the green is much happier! LOVE it jeannine! you had great vision and your husband did a great job. and thanks for the shout out!

  2. Very fresh makeover. It's lovely. I love green, so this is right up my alley. I'm sure this will sell in no time.

  3. I am obsessed with anything Ombre. Did you know they have hair that falls into the category of Ombre (who knew)? I found that out when I searched ombre on Pinterest...that's where I found your dresser. I love the green!
    I am your newest follower.
