Sunday, September 11, 2011

Painted Bench

I started back to work as a long term substitute.  I'm teaching high school home economics again.  Therefore, I'm a little more tired in the afternoons and decided to only do a simple furniture makeover this week.
We bought this piano stool last summer for about $15. I used leftover paint from my daughter's room.  It is Behr's Embellished Blue.

I wanted the top to be a little more of a cushion to sit on.  This piece of high density foam is left from one of the twin mattresses we bought in the ME for our kids. I wrapped it in a layer of batting to soften the edges. The original fabric was firmly attached with nails so I decided to just attach my foam and fabric over the top.  The original fabric was dusty but did not smell.

Here is the finished bench.

I hid the staples and cut edges of the canvas with twill tape hot glued down.

If I was ambitious I would paper the inside with French script paper or something.  Maybe later!
Thanks for taking a look.

I will be linking to Between Naps on the Porch for Met Monday.  Please stop by and see what other people are up to with transformations. I've also linked to Masterpiece Monday at Boogieboard Cottage.


  1. I love the color you chose for the bench!

  2. I bet you are tired when you get home. I always needed a nap after a day teaching. I needed one, but didn't get one too often!
    Love the bench!
