Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Door Decor: Ode to Pinterest

Like so many people, I am "on" Pinterest.  I love it and yes it does waste time that I could better spend on blogging, cleaning house, baking Christmas cookies etc.  However, it doesn't talk back to me or insist I repeat myself three or four times or come in tardy like students do and then promptly ask to go to the restroom. But that's neither here nor there.  I do enjoy teaching and I'm happy to have the job.
Back to Pinterest.
Earlier in October or November, this lovely picture or an urn Christmas centerpiece was being pinned and re-pinned. I promised myself that I would do this!

And so I did.  Sort of.  Husband had been given a brass urn at a garage sale when we bought a dresser and chairs.  It was scruffy and needed some TLC.  I spray painted it silver.  The candy canes in the original appear to be several different size tree ornaments.  I couldn't find these anywhere on the internet or in stores.  I improvised: I bought three packages of plastic candy canes at The Dollar Tree.  I then wrapped wire around the bottom of each cane so they could be stuck down in the floral foam.

I bought cranberry florals at Joann's. The branches are cut off an after Christmas clearance tree that my son had in his apartment two years ago.  It only cost five dollars so I figured it wouldn't be missed.

Husband and I bought the silver glittery sticks (ting-ting?) at Target.  They got glitter everywhere and in the long run didn't work out.  Ugh!

Here is the whole thing put together. It obviously is not an exact replica of the original, but it works with our other decor. I still really like the crisp white of the original.

The wreaths are left from last year.  I just added in the candy canes.

Have a blessed Christmas season.


  1. Jeannine, your outside door /entry looks wonderful! I absolutely love what you did with the urn!

  2. Looks really great. Pinterst is a lot of fun.
