Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Super Busy the Last Three Months

I have been extremely busy the last three months! We spent February and March packing and moving into our new rental home.  Then we spent all of April unpacking. All the while Husband was coaching baseball and doing his missionary job and teaching, and I was teaching as well.

We were also spending time driving to southern California to see our future son-in-law play his last year of college ball.  While we were at the last game of the year, our son walked up and surprised us!  He was home on leave from his deployment and we had no clue.  We were so surprised!

Daughter's birthday is this week.

This week is graduation for Son-in-Law and Daughter, two different colleges.

And we have put a ton of miles on my poor little Jeep!  I love this vehicle.

Tomorrow we pick up Daughter's stuff from college. Next week is high school finals and then I am out for the summer.  I promise to get back to blogging.  I have lots of pictures of the new house.
And did I mention the wedding rushing toward us in September?
Have a blessed Memorial Day and please pray for our Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and Airmen serving in Afghanistan.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my I was exhausted just reading all that you have been doing. :)

    It sounds as though the future is excitingly bright!
