Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lost Year! Missing in Blogland

It has been a long year.
I haven't posted since August  2012.
First, I had no more space for pictures.
Then in September, my daughter married her sweetheart of five years.  She got married in Sacramento at the Vizcaya. They were so wonderful and it included cake, food, outdoor wedding, indoor reception, bartender, security, and day of wedding coordinator.
My mother had been battling pancreatic cancer since February.  She was doing so well that she was able to make her dress and fly down for the wedding of her only granddaughter.
This is her at the wedding.

In January she passed away.  The cancer had spread to her liver and she just didn't have any fight left.
My husband and I are now house hunting: looking for our very first house to purchase!  We've been married twenty nine years and are just now able to buy a house!
Thanks you for stopping by and I'll try to be more consistent in visiting.
PS Check out my new blog at

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