Monday, January 13, 2014

Using Up and Clearing Out the Closets

Hi, My name is Jeannine and I seem to be a hoarder.
Although I have not stated it anywhere for publication, one of the things that needs to be done around here is to get rid of some of the things I just don't need. To that end I took 2 large bags, approximately 10 years worth, of Victoria Magazine and Romantic Homes magazines to the school where I substitute teach and left them in the Art classroom.  That emptied an entire shelf in my craft room closet.
I also used up some fabric to make Valentine's Day pillow covers.  I have been saving two 1 1/2 yard pieces of barkcloth I bought on ebay over 12 years ago, but never intended to use them I suppose. I split them in half lengthwise and made covers for some $8 clearance feather pillow inserts. Perfect for our bed. The other two purples are from my quilt fabric stash.
The afghan was crocheted by my daughter for Christmas 2012.  She had just taught herself to crochet and did an admirable job.  It is perfect to keep my legs warm in the evening.
I have been working on a Cinderella costume I started for my son's girlfriend last October.
It took about 7 hours just to complete the sleeves, they have so many pieces. It is going to look fabulous when I complete it.
And my pattern for my Georgian Stays arrived in the mail today!

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