Saturday, January 2, 2016

Sewing Room Re-do

Last February our son moved out of the house and then he got married in May.  That left us with a completely empty bedroom with its own 3/4 bathroom.  We turned it into a very cozy guest room.  That left me with the ability to turn my sewing/craft/guest room into a dedicated sewing room. 

It was in a different layout for most of the year, with the sewing table facing a wall.  My back was always to my tiny TV and to the door.  It was a little tight that way.  We removed the writing desk and reoriented the sewing table and cutting table. The cutting table can still come down and an air mattress put up when we have a house full of guests. 

The sewing table is four small book shelves from Target.  Two face the back wall and hold necessary sewing items close at hand.  The other two face the side walls and hold things not used as often. The top is a piece of plywood cut to fit and then painted the same purple as the walls.  the front board had to be added to keep the dog and cats from playing and walking under the table constantly.  It has two yards of a fun print stapled to it.

This picture shows where the ironing board can stay.  This is where the sewing table was before. The closet holds all my costumes, aprons, and current projects I'm working on plus fabric. Dress form stays in the corner when not needed.

This is the view from the sewing table toward the door.  You can see all the way through the house from here to the door to the mudroom! It is a long house.

And of course no sewing room is complete without a cat.  This is Pence.  I don't know where Posey was hiding during the photo session.

I hope you enjoyed this little tour of my sewing room.

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