Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bedroom-Part 2

I'm linking in with Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch.

The other day I posted photos of my bedroom here as is normally appears. However, for spring I always get tired of the heavy look. I get out my pink and green quilt that I made many years ago.

And yes, I handquilted it. I don't hand quilt anymore as arthritis affects my fingers pretty badly.

I took all the "scarves" off of the dresser and side tables to give it a lighter look as well.

The throw pillows are wrapped in single yards of fabric. I changed the sheets from the dark brown ones to creme.

If you look closely, you will see that the bed is up on blocks. A little red-neck, I know. But the bed needed height, and those cute bed riser things weren't available anywhere.

Thank you for looking in on me today. Hope you all have a great week!


  1. Looks so fresh and springy! Those bed riser thingys are expensive. I used blocks also. Just watch those toes!

  2. What a pretty quilt. I used to do needlepoint, so I know what you mean about the fingers.

    I hope you'll drop by AtticMag to see Jane's Met Monday post.

  3. your post reminded me its time to get my winter bedding off- air everything out and put my spring bedding on..
    thats an amazing quilt you made - wow.. you;re very talented.
    I agree about the bed risers and if those blocks were free and they get the job done, then all the better...

  4. Jeannine-I love your spring look! You are fortunate that you can "lighten" things up. About those cinder blocks--nobody should be looking under the dust ruffle :) If it works, do it!

  5. We also have a raised bed. I actually have 2 box springs with a dust ruffle of the same color on each. It looks layered and romantic. Instead of the typical wheel on the bed frame, we have about 4 inches of wood works for us. I love a tall bed..
    Beautiful quilt too!

  6. I remember using the bed riser blocks in college. Much more cost effective! I was wondering if you did the faux blocks on the wall! My family does that for a living...faux finishes. It looks great!!
